Pregnancy Osteopathy

Pregnancy is an emotional and physical journey of your body, mind, and spirit. With each pregnancy, a mother is born.

Encourage Movement, through her ongoing Women's Health training and experience, has been specialising to accompany any expectant mother. 

During pregnancy, there are significant changes to our body and mind. 

  • Increase in lumbar lordosis – which may cause lower back pain
  • Increase in Tsp Kyphosis – breast size changes 
  • Ribcage diameter increase
  • Rounded shoulders
  • Increased forward head
  • Lowering the longitudinal arch in our feet–increases in foot seize
  • Hyperextension at the knees 
  • Diastasis Recti Abdominis – abdominal wall changes 
  • Shortens of beath 
  • Pelvic floor muscles laxity  
  • Downwood pressure that is exerted on the bladder and pelvic core muscles may cause frequent urination, incomplete emptying of bowel and bladder 
  • Ligaments will stretch while the uterus increases the pressure. The imbalances throw out the pelvic ring and restriction can contribute to LBP, tailbone pain and middle-tight pain, pelvic floor pressure 
Those changes directly impact the posture, muscles, ligaments, joints and internal organs. They will further affect our system, such as cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary and hormonal.

These changes may cause discomfort, dysfunction and pain to the expectant mother. Many of the previous injuries may be exposed during this time.

Osteopathy provides a safe and effective way of relieving pain during pregnancy and maintaining mother's and baby's' health.

Zaneta our women's health specialist osteopath, will use tailored gentle techniques such as articulations, soft tissue mobilisation, and pregnancy massage and will provide specialised exercises personalised to 1st, the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of the pregnancy.

Initial Assessment

  • Medical history, including screening for bladder, bowel or sexual dysfunction
  • Full postural screen.
  • Pelvic floor muscle assessment.

Follow Up

  • Education and advice on healthy pregnancy
  • Tailored osteopathic treatment such as articulation, soft tissue mobilisation and active release techniques.
  • Bespoke rehabilitation programme with your goals and lifestyle factors in mind.